UPDATE: This meeting has been cancelled. Please check this web site for new date.
The Emotional Support Group will meet at a different time and at a difference place in April. The meeting, which supports both registrants and their loved ones, will be held on Friday, April 15, beginning at 7 p.m. The new meeting place is 2001 Barrington Avenue, Suite 211, Los Angeles 90025.
CA RSOL board member Alex Gittinger will lead the meeting as he has all prior Emotional Support Group meetings. The Emotional Support Group meetings began in January 2016 and it is not necessary to have attended a prior meeting in order to attend the April meeting. Attendance at the meeting is free.
what about the meeting this saturday at the aclu. is the 10 am, april 16th saturday meeting still on??
I was really looking forward to going tonight. Had a really rough week. I hope this group continues, I think it’s really important. Thank you for it.